Gaming & Collecting

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - US, Gaming & Collecting, Latest News, Painting & Modelling

Frontline Report: Kalon’s D-Day Assault Force

Operation Overlord or D-Day is often regarded as one of history’s greatest military undertakings, involving a mind-blowing expenditure of manpower and machinery in a heroic effort to smash through the Atlantic Wall and give the Allies another foothold in western Europe. American, British and Canadian forces attacked five beaches along a 50 mile stretch of…

Black Powder, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Latest Products, Official Updates & FAQs, Scenarios & Additional Rules

New: Black Powder II rulebook & Special Figure + Collector’s Edition

The most famous wargaming rendition of the Black Powder era is now being updated! Black Powder II rulebook PDF View in Store Black Powder II rulebook & Special Figure View in Store This book describes the Black Powder game and its various procedures and rules as played by the authors and their friends. The authors’…

Bolt Action - German, Gaming & Collecting, Latest News, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Frontline Report: Kalon’s Atlantic Wall Defenders

The Atlantic Wall was a marvel of modern military engineering, stretching from the Norwegian fjords to the beaches of Normandy and Gascony. Fortified bunkers and trench-lines overlooked beaches strewn with barbed wire, mines and anti-tank obstacles. Gargantuan coastal defence batteries and innumerable conventional artillery positions provided covering fire to the thousands of Wehrmacht soldiers defending…