Gaming & Collecting

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Bolt Action Campaign: Market Garden

The Allies plan to end the war early by using the elite Allied Airborne army, the British XXX Corps and an ambitious plan. This is Campaign: Market Garden, where elite Airborne troops race to deliver the killing thrust that could open the road into Germany. View in Store Campaign: Market Garden complements the Bolt Action…

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - Japanese, Gaming & Collecting

Staff Games Night: The Battle of the Two Bunkers!

British Vs Japanese By Peter Hely On Thursday last – an epic battle between the forces of Divine Light, the Imperial Japanese Army, and the Barbarian horde from the grey Northern Isles, the British Army, took place in the cauldron that is Casa de Stallard (the boss’s battle room) for a Warlord staff games night. The…

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Invasion of Britain, Bolt Action - Soviet, Bolt Action - US, Gaming & Collecting, News & Announcements

Summer Campaign Update

With the invasion of Britain raging on, we thought we'd take a moment out to look at a few chosen battles and to update you all with who's currently winning! Map Update As you can see, both Scotland and the South East are under complete enemy control! Both are still under heavy fighting and many…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - US, Scenarios & Additional Rules, Uniforms & History

For the Home Guard: US units in the invasion of Britain

US Warlorder Jon Russell brings some good old US ingenuity to the table with the Eagle Squadron for Bolt Action and the invasion of Britain campaign! Answering the Bugle Call Jon: Like their fathers and brothers from the First World War, Many Americans were chaffing at the bit wanting to get involved in the fracas…