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Soldiers in exile – 1st Polish Armoured Division, and Bolt Action army list

“The Polish Soldier Fights for the Freedom of other nations, but dies only for Poland.” (general Stanislaw Maczek) The Escape In the evening of the June 17th 1940 newly appointed Prime Minister of France, Philippe Petain delivered a radio speech in which he declared that he had asked the German Command for a truce. The…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Boromites, Community, Concord, Freeborn, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Ghar

The Antares Initiative: The October Wargamers – Month 1

The October Wargamers took the opportunity to write up month one of their Antares Initiative experience separately giving us four individual takes on the The Drone Integration scenario as well as their faction choices and why. Take it away chaps… Mark Croft Reasons for Ghar Firstly the Battle Suits look cool, I love the way that…

Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Community, Concord, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Ghar, Isorian Shard

The Antares Initiative: Noise Sector – Month 1

The first month in Antarian space has been a challenging one for the villainous scum of The Noise Sector. Cast adrift from the main star cluster in unfamiliar territory we find our four games Asher, Mick, Mitch and Dan. With time-locked supply drops the frenzied crew has devoured any morsels of information they can land…