Gaming & Collecting

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products, Scenarios & Additional Rules

New: The Battle for Xilos – the 1st Antares Supplement!

Preparation for the online Gates of Antares campaign is moving into overdrive as we prepare for imminent arrival of the first narrative supplement book – The Battle for Xilos – available to Order from today! View in Store   Battle for Xilos narrative supplement Once again penned by game author Rick Priestley, the Battle For Xilos…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Focus, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Focus: Pegasus Bridge battle set

The Mission The mission, in the opening minutes of the Normandy landings 6th June 1944, was to capture the Bénouville Bridge and the nearby Ranville Bridge in order to prevent German reinforcements from reaching the beaches, where Allied forces were pouring ashore. 180 men, led by Major John Howard, landed close to their targets in…