Gaming & Collecting

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Tank War, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Tank War Scenario: Wittman Strikes!

13th of June 1944. The Britsh have broken inland and are moving towards Caen. Armoured and mechanized elements of the 4th County of London Yeomanry (4CLY) and of the 1st Rifle Brigade, together with two Observation Post (OP) tanks of the 5th Royal Horse Artillery are advancing in column along the Route Nationale 175. Suddenly,…

Bolt Action, Gaming & Collecting

Community: San Antonio, TX B.A.G

Every week we receive messages from customers, clubs, shops and event-planners from all across the globe, reporting back from the community, to let us know of battles being waged on tabletops worldwide! As part of this, we’ve received regular reports and updates from the ever-enthusiastic and hard-working Charles Torok of the San Antonio B.A.G group –…

Algoryn, Battle Reports, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Boromites, Gaming & Collecting

Battle Report: Beyond the Gates of Antares Playtesting #2

On Wednesday 18th February 2015, Warlord article writer, Sam Phillips came down to Warlord HQ to sit in on a Beyond the Gates of Antares playtest session with Rick Priestley and Nick Simmerson. Rick and Nick have been rigorously playtesting the Antares game system since its inception – and have more recently been working on additional rules,…

Battle Reports, Gaming & Collecting, Uniforms & History, Videos

TabletopBattle – Timeline of WWII Bolt Action Battle Reports

We’re always hunting online for interesting and exciting projects in the community – and as part of this, TabletopBattle leapt out at us… TabletopBattle are a group of gamers who are working together with NAWD (North Australian Wargames Designers)  to create a Timeline of WWII (from the invasion of Poland through to the final attack on…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Gaming & Collecting, Official Updates & FAQs, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Rules: Scenarios for Beyond the Gates of Antares

Rick Priestley has been hard at work (amazing what the threat of his rum ration being cancelled will do) playtesting Beyond the Gates of Antares, ably assisted by everyone on the playtester forum, and has produced  6 starting scenarios to help you set up some exciting and close-fought battles. We’ve put them together into a downloadable…