Hail Caesar

Bronze Age, Hail Caesar, Latest Products

New: New Kingdom Egyptians!

This week sees the release of the New Kingdom Egyptians, we have three metal boxed sets comprising of chariots, spearmen and archers, the key elements you need to build an Egyptian army and face off against the recently released Hittites! The Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth dynasties comprise the age of the Egyptian New Kingdom (1550-1077BC)….

Bronze Age, Hail Caesar, Latest News, Latest Products

New: Hittites!

New this week are three further releases for the armies of the Hittites – Hittite command, Hittite spearmen and Hittite or Anatolian spearmen. This all-new command set includes two commanders, a musician and a standard bearer. View in Store These Spearmen can be used as Hittites of the Old, Middle and New Kingdom and as…

Bronze Age, Hail Caesar, Latest Products

New: Early Highlander Axemen and Javelinmen

Our first release for the Bronze Age Zagros, Taurus & Anatolian Highlanders are the Early Highlander Axemen and Javelinmen: View in Store These models can represent the Lullubians, the Gutians, Turukkeans and the Elamites of the Zagros Mountains; and the early Hurrians of the Anatolian & Taurus Highlands. View in Store You could mix the Highlander Javelinmen and Axemen…