Hail Caesar

Hail Caesar, Painting & Modelling, Roman, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Painting: Using Army Painter Quick Shade

Get your army finished quickly and get more time for gaming! The “dipping” technique has been around for years; people experimenting with all sorts of chemicals carried home from B&Q. Quick Shade is the first specialized “dip” designed for painting massed armies of toy soldiers. It comes in 3 different tones, to suit the individual gamers taste. Dipping…

Bronze Age, Hail Caesar

New: Bronze Age Levy Troops

More troops for your growing Bronze Age forces, straight from Cutting Edge Miniatures – Levy Javelinmen and Levy Archers. View in Store These un-shielded Javelinmen can be used in both regular City-State, (as levy skirmishers), or early Nomad armies of the Early and Middle Bronze Age. This group are bare-chested and dressed in various styles…

Ancient British, Celts, Hail Caesar, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Painting Using The Army Painter System – 1: Intro

By Dr Phil Hendry There has been a fair amount of interest shown in ‘The Dip’, as The Army Painter’s Quickshade system is more commonly known. Reactions to ‘The Dip’ vary wildly – some love it, some don’t seem to care, and some are vehement in their disapproval (despite not having sampled it, we imagine….). …