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Hail Caesar, Latest News, Roman

Re-released: Roman Testudo!

It’s back! Our resin Testudo model is a belter and as a Roman commander you’ll want at least one of these for those tricky moment when a wall of scutum is the answer. Check the model out below. The Roman testudo (tortoise) formation is probably the most recognisable battle formation in history. At Warlord Games…

Latest News, Latest Products

New: Bolt Action Red Army!

This week sees the start of our focus on the forces of the Soviets. Starting with this splendid boxed set we have loads more in store for you over the next few weeks. Have a peek here… Red Army Boxed Set The ferocious battles on the Eastern Front were the largest military confrontations the world…

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Re-release: Bolt Action German Pioneerwagen!

Last week we brought you a lovely little pack of Waffen-SS Pioneers. So they don’t have to footslog across the battlefield we’re re-releasing this excellent Sd.Kfz 251/7 Pionierwagen. With stacks of extra kit and two large bridging boards your combat engineers can get to where they are most needed – fast. Pick one up for…

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Re-release: M3 Halftrack!

Uncle Sam’s boys get more mobile this week as the GIs receive armoured support in the form of the ubiquitous M3 halftrack. Check them out below. The M3 half-tracked personnel carrier was one of the most popular and widely used personnel carrier of the war. With ring-mounted .50 Cal MG and mounts for three .30…

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Gallery: Napoleonic Vivandiere

You really liked our Napoleonic Vivandiere, didn’t you! Ace painter Andres Amian Fernandez has worked his magic on these great miniatures… The set comes with options for adding one of two heads as well as two different arm variants. Inspiring stuff eh! Get your paint brush onto one of these fab miniatures by clicking here.

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Preview: Plastic Roman Scorpion

The latest Warlord plastic set is almost upon us! Painted by Alan from Mandertory Miniatures, these Roman war machine is a cracker… The plastic sprues comes with loads of options – the two crew can be built in many ways  – more than shown here for sure! Also included in the set are an arrow…

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Preview: Dacian Command Group

Our in-house sculptor, Wojtek (AKA The Bear), has been hard at it adding new miniatures to the Dacian range. As a taster here’s a look at a new command group with which to take on the Legions of Rome… Plenty more to come for the Dacians – we have Sarmatian Catapracts being sculpted now, for…

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Battlefield In A Box: Celtic Terrain

With our Plastic and metal Celts proving very popular (you’d think we just released a set of Ancients rules or something…)  it’s time we focusing on the oft-neglected part of the hobby – terrain! Here’s a look at the Celtic terrain we have available as well as a rather special offer… 1/56 28mm Celt /…