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More Bolt Action Polish!

Are your Polish forces desperate for reinforcements to stave off the double-pronged attack from Soviet and German aggressors? Fear not – for your brave sons of Poland now have dashing Lancers, armoured support, as well as mortar fire with which to bolster your defence! Early War Polish Lancer Regiment Warlord Games salute the brave Poles, whose…

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Re-released: Bolt Action Terrain!

We’re taking a short hiatus from releasing our Bolt Action resin vehicles to bring you more terrain pieces! Don’t worry – we have a stack of old favourites and new vehicles coming soon… Halt! German Checkpoint “Halt! Papers please!” It doesn’t get better than that… Too many WWII films, books and comics have featured the…

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Another Gong!

We are absolutely delighted to once again be the recipient of a top prize from Modellfan magazine in Germany… Awarded to our Bolt Action Screaming Eagles range this award has brought smiles to all concerned here at Warlord and we strive to do even better next year! Thanks go out to all concerned with this…

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Preview: Puma!

Arguably one of the best-looking armoured cars of the war the Sd.Kfz 234/1 ‘Puma’ is on it’s way! Have a look at the work-in-progress and don’t forgot the wipe the drool from your mouth…

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Pike & Shotte Reinforcements!

We’ve been asked to make more of our Pike & Shotte range available separately through our Reinforcements scheme. How could we refuse? So here they are… First up are a pair of individual action packed Firelock Storming Party models – an Officer and a Drummer. Lastly, we’ve a few Scots Covenanter command miniatures. Now you…

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Preview: New Plastic Romans!

With our new Ancients rules, Hail Caesar, on the horizon we’ve been hard at work re-organising our existing ranges as well as preparing loads of new miniatures to help you get started. We have some new ranges on the way but the first plastic release is a belter and another one for the Legions of…