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New: Pre-painted Roman Legionaries!

The last batch of pre-painted plastic Roman legionaries sold out fast so we’ve been hard at work providing you with a load more! Over the past few months we’ve been repeatedly asked whether we’d provide pre-painted miniatures. Well, it’s your lucky day! We’re trialling this with pre-painted plastic Roman Legionaries. We only have a small…

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Shuuro Tournament Pack!

Alessio Cavatore’s innovative adaption of Chess is proving rather popular with many of you. Alessio has just handed us a copy of the pack he’s pulled together for running and playing in Shuuro tournaments. Scroll down to download yourself a copy. Shuuro allows you to choose your own ‘chess army’ before every game, so that…

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Preview: Bolt Action Flak 43!

Whilst we’ve been hard at work adding new vehicles, armies, etc to our Bolt Action range of WWII miniatures we’re not about to forget the big guns! We’ve managed to grab a few sneaky photos of the flak 43 sitting on Paul’s desk whilst he was out grabbing a bacon butty… The Flak 43 was…

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Bolt Action Early War Polish!

If you like to play games set in the early part of WWII (it’s not all Tigers, Shermans and 88s, you know!) you’ll love this little lot – the Early War Polish are here! Not only have we reorganised and repackaged the range but we’ve given the gallant Poles more punch with two new guns….