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Latest News, Showcase

Warlord Games Gift Cards and Wish Lists

Struggling to think what to ask Santa for, and not yet fully decided? Or perhaps you’re looking for a suitable present for a partner, and don’t quite know where to start? Do not despair! We’ve got you covered… Wishlists and Gift Cards are now up and running in the webstore! Wishlists The Wishlist feature simply allows…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest News, Painting & Modelling, terrain

Antares: TOR 701 terrain update

The Warlord staff campaign is getting well under-way – over the past few weeks, we’ve all been hurriedly studying the rulebook, scribbling-out potential army lists, assembling and painting models, and launching skirmish games in order to get-to-grips with the rules! If you missed the introductory article outlining our plans for the campaign, you can view…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - Chindits, Bolt Action - Japanese, Bolt Action - Soviet, Latest News, Latest Products

New: Empires In Flames!

Our latest Bolt Action Theatre Book is now available! ‘Empires In Flames – the Pacific and Far East’ is supplied with a free exclusive miniature of USMC Medal of Honour winner, Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone  – supplied only with copies of the book ordered direct through the Warlord webstore, in person at Warlord HQ or from our…