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New: Shuuro & Turanga!

Renowned Games Designer Alessio Cavatore has been a busy man since leaving Games Workshop. Not only has he been helping us with our forthcoming Ancients rules but he’s also founded his own company, River Horse Games, to produce boardgames. His first offerings are an intriguing and innovative take on Chess called Shuuro and Turanga. Read…

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Preview: Father Tilly

Last week we released two famous Thirty Years War commander models – King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and Imperialist counterpart Wallenstein. As a little taste of things to come here’s a superbly painted model of Count Tilly to feast your eyes on… This excellent model isn’t quite ready for release but keep your eyes on…

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New: Waffen-SS Specialists!

The latest release for our hugely popular Bolt Action Waffen-SS range are the Specialists. Containing two-man Sniper and Flamethrower teams this pack will give your army plenty of focused fire… Whether it’s an accurate headshot at 300 yards or a gout of flame to clear an unsecured bunker, this pack has it all. As with…