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Bolt Action, Latest News

Special Offers: Fallschirmjäger!

Who isn’t tempted by German paratroops armed to the teeth and sporting their distinctive splinter pattern camo smocks? Not us, that’s for sure! So, we’ve pulled together a few deals to entice you: Save Il Duce! Mussolini had been deposed and an allied friendly government set up that was moving Italy’s resources to the Allies,…

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Hot Lead! Very Special Offers

Have we got something just a bit special for you! We have a limited quantity of authentic musket balls – REAL musket balls! We’re giving these away to anyone who orders one of our Hot Lead! special offers. We only have a limited quantity of these bonafide pieces of period ammunition so don’t hang around…

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New! Pike & Shotte Dragoons

You’ve waited long enough – our Pike & Shotte Dragoons are now released! This new boxed set is packed to the gunnels with stuff. You can purchase our overstuffed Dragoons boxed set right now! The role of the dragoon was still being defined in the wars of the 17th century. Dragoons later went on to…

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March Madness!

Mad as March Hares us lot at Warlord! The madness has manifested itself as two superb special deals that run through this month: March Madness Offer 1: 10% postage on all orders placed during March! For those of you outside Her Most Imperial Majesty’s United Kingdom this presents something of a saving – 8% for…

Events, Latest News

Warlord on the Road!

As the new year gets underway so does the wargames show circuit. Here are details of a couple of shows we’re attending in Britain and the US! “The day I shot a thousand…” Location: Eye of the Storm, Maelstrom Games, Mansfield, UK Date: Saturday 13th March 2010 Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Those kind…

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Now Available! Victrix Portuguese Cacadores

The British often refer to the Portuguese as their ‘Oldest Ally’ and certainly they gave sterling service to the Duke of Wellington during the Peninsular campaign. Now you can add these great Portuguese Cacadores to your British force or start a new Portuguese army. The Portuguese fought brilliantly in Wellington’s army during the Penninsular war…

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Special Offers: British Airborne

Here at Warlord Games we’re always willing to offer you a fair deal. With the release of our Bolt Action Miniatures British Airborne, we felt it only suitable that we drop these excellent offers on you (you see what we did there – we know humour…): Raiding Force! The British learnt quickly from Germany’s mass…

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New! Fallschirmjager Support Teams

Hot on the heels of the Fallschirmjäger boxed set these new releases from Bolt Action Miniatures will give your elite German Paratroopers much needed support. First off we have an excellent looking PaK 40: While the size of this field gun cut down on its mobility, the power and effectiveness of its 75mm x 714mm…