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Black Powder, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Latest News

Interview: Rick Priestley

In Conversation with Rick Priestley – The Brains Behind Black Powder Courtesy of Wargames Illustrated Magazine Introducing Rick: Rick Priestley is Games Workshop’s creative director and games designer. Not much of a gaming  nature passes through the Workshop gates without Rick’s eyes passing over it. He was one of the original designers  behind Warhammer, and…

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New! Bolt Action Fallschirmjager

Dropping from the skies are our Bolt Action Fallschirmjager! These German airborne troops are true elites – respected and feared by all who faced them. As with our other Bolt Action boxed sets this one offers great value for money. The world’s first paratroopers to be used in large numbers, the German Fallschirmjager were at…

Latest News, Pike & Shotte

New! Musket Rests and Swine Feathers

Not much says ‘Pike & Shotte’ like muskets rests (well apart from voluminous trousers and flamboyant befeathered hats). Therefore, we just had to make a pack that contained a variety of musket rests and the less common swine feathers. Musket Rests: Early seventeenth century muskets were long and very heavy – their long barrel which…

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New! King’s Colours Flag Sheets

The first four sheets in our new King’s Colours range of paper flags are ready for you now! These initial A4 sheets focus on the English Civil wars with the Parliamentarians and Royalists each getting two sheets. More King’s Colours sheets on the way for the Scots, Irish, and Thirty Years war just for starters:…

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New! British Airborne Jeeps

Our Red Devils boxed set has gone down an absolute storm and so this new release is very timely indeed – Airborne Jeeps for your British Airborne. To allow the Jeeps to fit into  British Horsa glider the Willys Jeep was modified in several ways.  As ever this rugged little vehicle was up to the…

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Website Updated!

Over the last few weeks we’ve been beavering away behind the scenes to refresh the Warlord website. We are always working to update the site  and over the next weeks and months you will see more of the fruits of our labours. The first updates are the addition of  ‘portal pages’ for each of  our…