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Now Available: Victrix Napoleonic French 1804-1807

The latest plastic set from Victrix provides French Infantry in Bicornes. These miniatures are ideal for refighting games set during 1804-1807. Great battles such as Austerlitz in 1805, Jena and Auerstadt in 1806, Eylau and Friedland, are now within your grasp! In 1804 Napoleon declared himself Emperor of the French. This ignited a new wave…

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Re-Released! Bolt Action Characters

As we continue to sort out the various boxes, moulds, etc from our purchase of Bolt Action we continue to find miniatures we’ve overlooked. This week we have four such gems for you. First up are two not entirely serious miniatures ideal for your ‘wierd war’ games – British Vampire Hunter Major Terntadust and his…

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Sculptors and Pattern Makers Wanted!

As we continue to expand our ranges and start to plan new ones we’re looking to add more talented sculptors and pattern makers to our stable. If you think you can match (or better) the standard of our miniatures, terrain or vehicles we’d love to hear from you. Can you top this? If so, simply…