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Preview: Ancient German Tribesmen

A long-promised boxed set is about to become a reality! Our next Ancient Armies boxed set will be German Tribesmen. These ferocious, hirsute warriors caused mayhem for the Armies of Rome and the models are looking superb. As with our Ancient Britons and  Dacians, this boxed set uses a lot of metal components added to…

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New Release: Pike & Shotte Scottish Covenanters

We’ve been promising them for a while and as usual Warlord has delivered. If the Royalists or standard Parliamentarians aren’t to your liking, then how about you give our Scots Covenanters a glance: Each boxed set contains 40 miniatures: 36 multi-part hard plastic miniatures (24 Musketeers and 12 Pikemen) and 4 all-new metal command miniatures…

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New Release: Halt! German Checkpoint

“Halt! Papers please!” It doesn’t get better than that! So many WW2 films, books, and comics have featured the dreaded checkpoint that we simply had to include one in our range. From the burning suns of North Africa to the Arctic Circle, the Germans loved a good checkpoint. Mind you, invading peaceful countries and subjugating…

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Preview: Pike & Shotte Cavalry Art

These are two of our most eagerly anticipated products to date and we’re not far from release! As we are kind and benevolent, we are willing to give you a taster of what’s to come with the box art for both sets. More details will be available soon but for now feast your eyes on…

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New Release: Pike & Shotte Command Group

Even though you have superb variety for command models in the plastic Pike & Shotte infantry boxed sets we couldn’t resist but make even more Command models! These highly detailed and superbly characterful miniatures are ready to lead your regiments to battle right now and you can see them in detail below: Our officer is…