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New Release: US Airborne Command

The US Airborne troops were always at the pointy-end of the action and weren’t found wanting. So whether you’re looking to recreate the actions of Easy Company, 101st Division ‘Screaming Eagles’ or one of the other American Airborne forces look no further than our Warlord Games line of US Airborne. Now you can add command…

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New Release: Dacians!

Not content with being able to unleash these ferocious falx-armed warriors upon the wargaming world we’re also supporting them with their own Scorpion catapult! This powerful bolt thrower is perfect for taking out Roman Heavy Cavalry, Auxiliary Cavalry, or any infantry which might happen to get in the way. We know our Barbarian players and…

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Preview: Pike & Shotte Command

As if you didn’t get enough variety and character in the Pike & Shotte plastic boxed sets we’re not far from releasing another all-metal superb command pack. Give the greens for the Sergeant and Drummer a look: Keep your eye on the Warlord webstore and our newsletter as we’ll be announcing when these models are…

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New Release: Dead Livestock

Yes, we’re amused by this oxymoron too! Not content with making stacks of superbly detailed miniatures and vehicles we’re adding even more terrain for use in your games – this time something a bit different in the form of dead cows and horses. Ideally suited to battles et in World War II these dead cows…

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Preview: Prince Rupert of the Rhine

We’ve been champing at the bit to reveal this latest Pike & Shotte preview to you. We’re happy to present our own John Stallard’s personal hero and pin-up boy of the English Civil Wars – Prince Rupert: Rupert was appointed to lead the Royalist cavalry by Prince Charles in 1642. Nicknamed the ‘Mad Cavalier’, our…