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New Release: Pike & Shotte Specialists

Here at Warlord Games we read our message boards quite frequently (some might say too frequently). So, when we saw the chatter that our Pike & Shotte Specialists pack preview was generating, we were sure that we had a winner on our hands. Well now is the time to prove us right as this excellent…

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New Release: M5 Half Track

Your PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry) can rejoice – now they can ride into battle with the vile Hun on the treads and tires of the M5 half track! Produced as part of the lend-lease agreement with the United States by International Harvester Corporation this variant of the US Army’s M3 halftrack was supplied in large…

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New Release: Willys Jeeps

One of the biggest gaps in the Bolt Action range has now been plugged – we have two versions of the famous Willys Jeep available now! We are offering this essential vehicle in two versions – one with canopy up and one with it down and packing a .30 cal MG. Used by British, US,…

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Bolt Action Preview: Panzergrenadiers!

Here at Warlord Games we’re always more than happy when we can throw a bit of a surprise to you, our loyal customers. Therefore, we’re quite pleased to give you an exclusive preview of our so far unannounced Panzergrenadiers for your Bolt Action Miniatures collection! This is purely a case of ‘tantalising teaser’ and we’re…

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Preview: Celtic Archers

Lucky for you that Paul has fast hands (must come from working hard to grab that last bacon butty). He managed to snatch these sculpts back from the mouldmaker in time to take these snaps. Great models for adding extra firepower to your Celt, Dacian (on the way very soon!) and, if you’re that way…

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Preview: Pike & Shotte Master Gunner

Following up on our preview of our forthcoming Pike & Shotte Marksman from the Specialists pack, we’re pleased to be able to show you our Pike & Shotte Master Gunner. With this doughty fellow laying the guns the enemy won’t know what hit them as the cannons roar on the tabletop! Our Master Gunner has…

Bolt Action, Latest News, Showcase

New Release: German Panzernest

Gott in Himmel! Just when you think we’ve reached the bottom of the barrel for cool and interesting things for your Bolt Action Miniatures German army, we manage to pull something unexpected. Give our re-mastered and re-released German Panzernest machine gun emplacement a look (seen here against a Bolt Action British Airborne for scale): These…