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Black Powder, Latest News, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: Napoleonic British Light Dragoons 1808-1815

With the battle of Waterloo still fresh in everyone’s memories due to the bicentenary commemorations, Perry Miniatures have a timely release with these fabulous plastic British Light Dragoons… View in Store This box of 14 mounted plastic figures contains all you need for a complete Black Powder Regiment or Brigade, if you have a second box. The figures cover…

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Event: Historicon 2015

Howdy one and all! We are just one week out from the 2015 Historicon and preparations are going fantastically! We’ve sent over many boxes of new stock to our show representatives at Footsore Miniatures last week so there are plenty of things to get your eager hands on. And as always, if there is ANYTHING…

Bolt Action, Latest News, News & Announcements

FREE! Downed RAF Pilot Battlefield Objective

Our Downed RAF Pilot, Squadron Leader ‘Topper’ Redfern has crashed with important information on the enemy positions! Get him FREE with every order over £50 during this glorious month of July Watch this space  – we’ll have a free PDF scenario including the Squadron Leader. Topper will be extricating himself from his parachute before heading for the nearest hamlet…