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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Tank War, Bolt Action - US, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Latest News, Uniforms & History

Platoon Guide: M4 Sherman Medium Tank

History The mainstay of the Allied armies, the Sherman was one of the most versatile tanks during the war, from the fields of Europe to the jungles of the Pacific. The M4 Sherman was produced by the thousand in the automotive factories of Detroit, and became a platform for countless variants as the way developed…

American War of Independence 1776-1783, Black Powder, Latest News

New: Rebellion! – Black Powder Supplement

Released today is our Black Powder American War of Independence supplement, Rebellion! Buy now! This glorious 144-page full-colour book, written by Steve Jones, comes with a free eighteenth century Continental Army officer figure sculpted by Alan Perry himself! Who else would you ask to design a new figure for an American War of Independence book?…

Black Powder, Bolt Action, Latest News

New: Bocage set 2

Created by Mandertory Miniatures to expand and complement their initial Bocage set 1, this new set (inventively known as Bocage Set 2!) provides you with end pieces, bends, angled corners and even a ruined cowshed! This will allow you to create irregular shaped fields and hedgerows – ideal for use as bocage in the Normandy countryside or as…