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Rock on, Tommy.

It seems John isn’t getting out much at the moment judging by the amount of Bolt Action models he’s completing! We’ll let John explain what he got up to over the long Diamond Jubilee weekend… John: I sat down at my kitchen table last Thursday night and clipped out twenty models from the sprues in…

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Gallery: Panzerwagen!

Neil at Troop of Shewe has been a busy man – following on from the German armour we showed off in last week’s newsletter are these German halftracks. Please try not to drool on your keyboard… The first vehicle to make it’s way off Neil’s painting desk is the Unic P107 halftrack. As the German…

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God Save The Queen special offer!

With Her Majesty, the Queen, celebrating her Diamond Jubilee we’re celebrating too – with a red, white and blue special offer to share the pride we’re all feeling. Being patriotic types here at Warlord we’re all cock-a-hoop about Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee. Whilst all this flag-waving fervour is gong on, Warlord Games owner John Stallard…

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New Anglo-Zulu War miniatures!

We’ve now taken delivery of more metal miniatures from Empress Miniatures. See what’s new below. The first pack contains four superb sculpts –  more of the defenders of Rorke’s Drift, including both historic and, perhaps, more silver screen versions of some very famous personalities. Dressed in a rather casual interpretation of dress regulations, the urgency…