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Hurrah for Huzzah!

Comprising historical (mostly!) wargamers from all across New England, and meeting regularly at the Hobby Bunker in Malden Massachusetts.The Boston Trained Bands wargaming group hosted several games of Black Powder at this year’s Huzzah! wargaming convention in Portland, Maine. Using our Hail Caesar rules, the first game was The Battle of Maldon (991AD) which took…

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Warlord Games Tournaments!

The first tournaments of our Hail Caesar, Pike & Shotte and Bolt Action rulesets will be in full swing at the Wartorn wargames show in Scarborough on Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st June. To find out more and to get yourself involved in the action, read on… Warlord Games Tournaments at Wartorn, Saturday June 30th &…

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New: Assyrian Chariot!

Thundering onto the battlefield is this splendid Assyrian chariot – woe betide anyone getting in the way of this machinery of destruction! Four horses, four crew and one devastating charge – the Assyrian chariots were the pinnacle of military engineering in their time and were put to good use on the field of battle. In…