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Preview: Germanics

Renowned sculptor, Steve Saleh, has been hard at work revamping our Germanic tribesmen range. Here’s a quick look at just some of Steve’s work… These are just a handful of the new metal sculpts Steve has produced – there are already plenty more with a full range on the cards. Several sculpts will have open…

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Preview: Crimean 17th Lancers!

What could be finer than the 17th Lancers making their ill-fated charge into the Russian guns at Balaclava? Nothing – that’s what! We’re delighted to be able to show off Paul Hicks’ latest sculpts for our Crimean War range – check these beauties out here! We couldn’t do the Light Brigade (yes, the Hussars and…

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Preview: Roman sentries

Fresh from Wojtek’s sculpting desk are these lovely sculpts. Depicting Roman soldiers on sentry duty they can be built to represent legionaries, auxiliaries or Praetorians. These troopers can represent many things – fort sentries, soldiers on campaign in foul weather gear, sentries on ship, etc. The sculpt on the left comes with two separate heads…