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Midsomer Madness!

A couple of weeks ago Paul (the boss) and John (the bigger boss) must have been feeling a bit under the weather as I managed to get out of the office and spend the day down in Oxfordshire on the set of the TV show, Midsomer Murders. Either that or they figured that I’m expendable…

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New: Early War Waffen-SS!

Attired in their trademark camouflage smocks and helmet covers, the Waffen-SS were easily recognisable during the early stages of the war. Warlord sculptor, Wojtek, has been hard at it refreshing the sculpts we received when we bought BEF Miniatures. See what they look like and grab a squad or two for yourself here. Well-supplied and…

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New: Panzers 35t and 38t!

Both the Pz 35t and Pz 38t were seized by the German armed forces when Germany occupied Bohemia-Moravia in 1939 and took over the Czech arms manufactories. The ‘t’ after the panzer name stands for tschechisch – German for Czech. Both tanks saw service in the invasions of Poland, France and the Soviet Union.  The 38t…

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New: Vickers Light Tanks!

As we continue to re-release the miniatures and vehicles we acquired, as part of our purchase of BEF Miniatures from Ian Crouch, we are taking the opportunity to remaster them for resin production. The latest two vehicles for the forces of His Majesty’s Commonwealth are two variants of the Vickers Light tank – the mark…

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New: Alexander Leslie, Lord Leven!

Here’s a character we’ve been asked for so many times we’ve lost count! We can now bring you Alexander Leslie – leader of choice for many Scots Covenanter players! The Covenanter’s armies most gifted and successful general. This Thirty Years War veteran was instrumental in the English Civil Wars. Own this model today! Grab this…