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Preview: Camouflaged Japanese Squad

Disguised with all manner of foliage this squad is taking the fight to the enemy! Here’s a look at the shape of things to come soon for the Bolt Action Imperial Japanese range… For a variety of reasons our Imperial Japanese Army range has taken a lot longer to get going than at first planned….

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New: Anglo-Zulu War paint sets!

With everything being Zulutastic at the moment many of you will be starting new Anglo-Zulu War armies (and why not!) so here are a couple of paint sets to help you along the way! Anglo-Zulu War British Paint Offer Flat Red (Vallejo 957): Tunics, trouser pinstripe Dark Prussian Blue (Vallejo 899): Trousers Black (Vallejo 950):…

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New: Zulu deals!

With our great new plastic Zulu sets being released into the wild we have a couple of cracking deals to help you build your impis. Take a look at these offers and save yourselves a wodge of cash! Isifuba – The Chest of the Beast This army deal is a great way to get your…

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Preview: Bolt Action vehicles

Although we’re releasing new vehicles thick and fast for our Bolt Action WWII range there are always several new vehicles under construction at any one time. To give you a taste of things to come take a look at these forthcoming releases – this is only a small window into what is on the way…

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New Army Deals!

As we continue to expand our range of army deals for you we have a few more to add to the mix this week. Check them out below. This is a great starter set to begin collecting a German force or to reinforce an existing army. This set contains: – 2 x German Infantry Boxed…

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New: German 88mm Flak gun!

One of the biggest, most impressive products in our Bolt Action range is the German 88mm gun. It also compromised of loads of parts. We’ve taken the opportunity to remaster the models, refresh the crew and simplify the process for building it. Look through your rangefinder here to find out more. The dreaded ’88’ –…