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Belgian Vickers Utility Tractor!

Looking like something straight out of a Wallace & Gromit adventure is this Belgian Vickers Utility Tractor. Used to pull field pieces around, the Vickers Utility fulfilled a vital role for the Belgian army. Those of you of a Very British Civil War persuasion will also be interested in the possibilities of this little vehicle! You…

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New: WWII Allied Paint Sets

Finding the right selection of paints for your chosen force can be a painful and time-intensive experience. Happily we’ve put together these great paint deals for all the major Allied forces in WWII. Don’t tell anyone but you’ll also save a few pennies too! Late War British Army paint set – Purchase here in the…

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Preview: Zulu!

Warlord Games and Empress Miniatures are about embark on a very exciting venture as we bring you plastic Anglo Zulu War miniatures and a whole lot more! Empress Miniatures have a great standing as purveyors of finely sculpted Anglo Zulu Wars miniatures (amongst others) and we’re delighted they agreed to join us on this exciting…

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New: Pike & Shotte Clubmen!

As one of the most popular elements of our Pike & Shotte range, the Clubmen have now been reinforced! Added new musteeers and pikemen into the mix and chock full of character too they’re bound to go down well (unless you’re thinking of stealing their livestock of course…). Have a look at the new sculpts…

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New: Black Powder Tokens!

Seeing as you’ve lapped up the Roman and Barbarian tokens for Hail Caesar we’ve caved in to demands that we make more for Black Powder. The first of these are for three Napoleonic armies – Britain, France and Russia. Grab yours now! After you have played your first few games of Black Powder you’ll know…

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New: BEF 2 Pdr Anti-Tank Gun!

Giving your brave Tommies a fighting chance against the advancing panzers this classic British Anti-tank gun has been remastered and is available once again. Have a gander here… More commonly known as the 2-pounder, the Ordnance QF 2-pounder (QF standing for ‘quick fire’) saw action primarily in the invasion of France in 1940 and during…

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New: Army Painter Stuff!

The latest hobby goodies from the chaps at The Army Painter are a new colour primer spray and more basing materials. A rich purple suited for a multitude of purposes. Perfect for Tyranids, Dark Elves, Dark Eldar, any Chaos and also to spice up ordinary races – like humans – Imperial Guard or Empire. Historical…