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New: Wulfen-SS!

The great weakness of Hitler’s Occult Forces is the Vhampyr’s inability to go out in daylight.  To overcome this weakness the mountains and forests of Germany were scoured and the shock troops of the Wulfen SS were formed. We have here a werewolf stormtrooper from the Wulfen SS, ready to rend the enemies of the…

Bolt Action, Latest News

They’re Back For Halloween!

Last Halloween we released two new packs: Out for the Count, which comprises of an SS Vamphyr and his nemesis, a British Army Vampire Hunter, and Ein, Zwei, Die! which provides you with plastic components with which you can make Nazi Zombies! Both of these are now back on sale for a short while –…

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Dwarf Lady Footballers Competition Winner!

The winning entry is ‘Sister Sledgehammerers‘ from Alex Sillifant. Congratulations Alex, your Sister Sledgehammerers team is in the post to you! There is also a prize going out to Michael Hobbs who sent us the funniest (but completely unpublishable!) entry… Thanks to everyone who took part in the competition!

Latest News, Latest Products

New: Early War Germans!

Zut alors! Ze Boche iz ‘ere! Now you can field Hitler’s armed forces as they storms across Europe with their blitzkrieg tactics sweeping all before them. Take a peak out of your pillbox and have a look at what is heading your way… Full squad consists of 2 NCOs with MP38 Sub Machine Guns, 2-man…