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Gallery: A Very British Aerosan…

Simon Purdue (AKA Ook) took our Soviet Aerosan model and converted it for use in his games based in the Very British Civil War setting. Take a look at Simon’s very cool conversion below. When Simon saw our new Aerosan it screamed Very British Civil War. Whilst historically it’s a genuine Russian invention, the Heath…

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Gallery: Bennett’s Bronekater!

It’s that man Bennett Blalock-Doane again! Not content with converting and painting our Roman and Celt models to an amazing standard, Bennett has decided to try his hand out on the Soviet Bronekater armoured patrol boat from our Bolt Action WWII range! An interesting addition is the base and choppy water – certainly sets the…

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New: Praetorian Cavalry!

Resplendent in their cloaks and Attic helmets, the Praetorian cavalry cut a dashing figures on the tabletop. It wasn’t all looks though – they were capable of causing havoc with the enemy battleline and as such not many commanders will leave their fort without at least one unit of these noble horsemen. Whether you are…

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Preview: Pike & Shotte!

Between plastic Napoleonics and a welter of WWII releases recently our Pike & Shotte range has been in need of some love. Happily Warlord sculptor Wojtek has been beavering away feverishly on new additions to the range. Take a look at what is on the way… First up are the a few additions to our…

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Introducing Paymaster Games!

Paymaster Games are a new company that are looking at covering the more unusual subjects up to and including Aztec and Polynesian warriors (though they also have some great character models from Rome and her adversaries!). Have a look at some examples below where we’ve shown show off a few of the new range and…