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Gallery: Wittman’s Dingo

Neil Burt (AKA Troop of Shewe) has converted our Daimler Dingo and Michael Wittman figure into something a bit exciting. Take a look at Neil’s handiwork here. The conversion was based on, and inspired by, this  photograph of taken in August 1944, France of s.SS-Pz.Abt.102. This was a fairly heavy conversion as Neil used an…

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Preview: Early War German Infantry

As we start to rerelease the early war range we bought from BEF Miniatures we’ve taken the opportunity to refresh some of the infantry sculpts. This has started with the Germans as you can see here. In addition to tweaking the poses and bringing the weaponry in line with their late war counterparts so we…

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New: BEF Vehicles!

As part of our acquisition of BEF Miniatures we have a limited quantity of the original stock. Whilst we are preparing each vehicle for re-release you can get your eager little hands on some of them now! These are very much available on a first come, first served basis so have a look at what…

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New: Sodapop Releases!

More great-looking miniatures from the boys and girls at Sodapop – five of them, and some of their best yet! Upon enrollment most novices at the Doctrine Academy undergo something of an identity crisis. Young and typically on their own for their first time, the vaunted halls of Esper academia can prove intimidating if not…