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New: BEF British Army!

Following our purchase of the early war BEF Miniatures range, the first batch of models are back on sale! Where better to start than the Tommies of the British Expeditionary Force themselves… The BEF  Section pack has everything you need to get started. This pack comprises of 8 men – six are armed with Lee…

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New: Bolt Action Churchill AVRE!

Adding more punch to the Allied arsenal is this great-looking new vehicle. AVRE stood for Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers and provided excellent battlefield support to the engineers. Armed with a devastating 290mm spigot mortar this tank was more than capable of cracking bunkers and other fortifications as well as providing the basis for many of…

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New: Roman Shield Designs!

Steve at Little Big Men Studios has been a busy lad – he’s just sent us a load of his beautiful new Roman shield designs! You’ll find new designs for the Marines and Legionaries here! Roman Marine Shields. This new shield design for our Roman Marines miniatures could be used in conjunction with the similar-looking…

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Preview: New Model Army

The latest sculpts off Wojtek’s desk are these new models for the New Model Army. There are more on the way for this set but we thought you’d want to see these as soon as we could show them off… Warlord’s resident Royalist, John Stallard gives us his ‘unbiased’ opinions of the brave New Model…

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New: Celt Linebreakers!

Hurling themselves into the shield line of their opponents these crazed/brave warriors are attempted to disrupt the enemy battle line. Adding bags of character and action to your Celtic warrior units or acting as dismounted chariot riders these are a must for any serious Celtic general. At the fore of an attack would come the…

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New Victrix Napoleonic Cavalry!

The latest offerings from the lads at Victrix are these splendid British Heavy Dragoons and British Light Dragoons. Both are attired for use in the Pensinsular war and are dated 1808-1812.  Charge! This 3 figure pack of British Heavy Dragoons for the Peninsular War 1808-1812 has been sculpted by Paul Hicks. As well as 3 riders you…