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Bolt Action Polish Special Offers!

We recently released our new Polish Airborne range and since then have been asked by several of you if we’ll be doing any army deals as well as for our early war Polish army range. Poles Apart: Polish Airborne Deal 2 Polish Airborne Squads 1 Polish Airborne Specialists Pack PA Command PA 6 pounder AT…

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Preview: Praetorian Cavalry!

Proud sons of nobles all, these finely attired cavalrymen of the Praetorian Guard cut fine figures as befits the Emperor’s bodyguard. Sculpted by our own Wojtek, these haughty but mean horsemen will be ready for battlefield duty before too long…

Hail Caesar, Latest News

Hail Caesar Open Day

This Saturday (July 23rd) we’re heading off to Maelstrom Games in Mansfield, Notts to hold our first Hail Caesar Open Day. Those of you who attended our Black Powder Open Day will know what to expect. For the rest of you here’s a rough breakdown: * John Stallard will be running a large game with…

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New: Soviet Anti-tank Teams!

Brave comrades laying their lives on the line against the German Panzer with a variety of anti-tank weaponry. With a lack of their own anti-tank weapons the Soviet forces had to be resourceful when fighting German armour. Our Anti Tank team consists of three men, one with a Soviet Anti-tank Rifle, one with a captured…

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New: Soviet Gaz 67 Car!

This Soviet four-wheeled drive vehicle was inspired by the US Willys Jeep which was being sent to the Russians in large numbers through the Lend Lease program. Nearly 5,000 Gaz 67‘s saw service during WWII. The Gaz 67 was the successor of the Gaz 64 4×4 having a strengthened chassis and enlarged fuel tank and was…

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New: Bolt Action Polish Airborne Support!

The initial para-drop of Polish Airborne which landed last week has requested urgent reinforcements. Their luck is in as this little lot is en route to bolster their position… Fieldmarshal Montgomery inspects Polish Airborne troops. God bless, Fieldmarshal Montgomery… Once you hit the ground, it’s good idea to have some portable firepower with you. Enter…

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New: Bolt Action BA-64 Armoured Car!

This classic Soviet armoured scout car saw service from 1942 right into the 1960s! Proving equally adept in recce or urban situations this Russian vehicle ably complements our growing Bolt Action Soviet range. This is the BA64 a light armoured car built in 1941 as the Germans invaded Russia. The Russians adapted the chassis of…