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Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: KGL Luneberg Light Battalion skirmishing

More reinforcements have arrived for Wellington’s forces in the war against Napoleon – King’s German Legion Luneberg Light Battalion skirmishing: View in Store The Skirmishers add to our existing KGL 2nd Light Battalion packs – one armed with muskets and the other with rifles: View in Store View in Store The King’s German Legion (KGL) was a British Army unit…

Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products

New: Algoryn AI Assault Squad

Out today for Beyond the Gates of Antares, we have more reinforcements for the Algoryn – the AI Assault Squad: As well as Mag Repeaters, Algoryn Assault AI are equipped with forearm mounted distort and plasma shell projectors called Distort Spinners or D-Spinners for short. The projectors hurl small spinning discs – distort shells which disrupt the space around…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Finnish, Latest Products

New: Finnish anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns

Finnish armies gain some welcome firepower this week with the arrival of these two German-supplied guns – the Finnish 75 PSTK/40 anti-tank gun and the Finnish 20 ITK/38 anti-aircraft gun. After encountering T-34 and KV-1 tanks, the Finns realized that heavier anti-tank equipment would be required. A total of 210 German 75mm PaK 40 Guns were purchased, capable of…