Latest Products

Hail Caesar, Latest Products, Macedonian

New: Thureophoroi Peltasts

Out today are Thureophoroi Peltasts, and Thureophoroi Peltast command for Greek, Macedonian and Hellenstic armies. Mercenary troops formed a significant role in Hellenistic armies and hired soldiers often served as garrison troops or wherever a permanent military presence was needed. During the third century BC these troops are often referred to simply as mercenaries, but when they are called…

Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products

New: Algoryn AI Squad, X-Launcher, Plasma Cannon and Targeter Probes

Out today for Beyond the Gates of Antares, we have reinforcements for the Algoryn Prosperate – the Armoured Infantry squad as well as X-Launcher and Plasma Cannon teams, and Targeter Probes: The Algoryn are a proud warrior race confronted on all sides by merciless and powerful enemies. Every aspect of their society is geared towards…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: KGL 2nd Light Battalion

Out today for Napoleonic British armies we have two King’s German Legion 2nd Light Battalion packs – one armed with muskets and the other with rifles: View in Store View in Store The King’s German Legion (KGL) was a British Army unit of expatriate German personnel, known for its excellent discipline and fighting ability. The Legion was formed within months of the…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Boromites, Latest Products

New: Boromite Work Gang, Lavamites and Mag Light Support

New for our Beyond the Gates of Antares science-fiction game – Boromite reinforcements! This week, they receive three new sets – the Work Gang, Lavamites and Mag Light Support team: Boromite Work Gangs are armed with Mass Compactors, which are extremely powerful at short ranges and, given that they are used for asteroid mining, they easily…