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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Latest Products

New: SS-Sturmbataillon Charlemagne

Out today is our SS-Sturmbataillon Charlemagne metal boxed set – Frenchmen who volunteered to fight for Germany against the Bolshevik Soviets. The Second World War saw many confusing contradictions as politics and ideals clashed in epic campaigns that were once thought inconceivable. One such oddity was the Charlemagne division, the 33. SS-Grenadier Division which fought…

English Civil Wars, Latest Products, Pike & Shotte, Thirty Years War

New: Pike & Shotte Engineer Working Party

Out today is the hard-working Engineer Working Party for Pike & Shotte, standing ready to build your siege lines and earthworks: It was not all marching and fighting in 17th century armies. Roads were normally appalling and needed to be  mended, widened or drained. Bridges needed building, repairing, strengthening or demolishing. Houses, great and small could…