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Cruel Seas, Latest Products, Products

New: Cruel Seas – Lighthouses + Plume Packs

Light your battlefield with the new Mediterranean Lighthouse or litter your battlefield with the Ruined Mediterranean Lighthouse and water plumes! Mediterranean Lighthouse View in Store Lighthouses are often mentioned in the diaries and memories of serving naval officers in WWII. As most encounters took place at night, it is understandable that the piercing finger of…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: Napoleonic British Centre Company + Light Company Heads in Uncovered Shakos

Form your own Centre Company and Light Company with these new Napoleonic British Centre Company + Light Company Heads in Uncovered Shakos. Napoleonic British Centre Company heads in uncovered Shakos View in Store Composed of the battalion’s rank and file, the centre companies form the bulk of the battleline. The majority of the figures in…