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New: Early War Germans!

Zut alors! Ze Boche iz ‘ere! Now you can field Hitler’s armed forces as they storms across Europe with their blitzkrieg tactics sweeping all before them. Take a peak out of your pillbox and have a look at what is heading your way… Full squad consists of 2 NCOs with MP38 Sub Machine Guns, 2-man…

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New: Praetorian Cavalry!

Resplendent in their cloaks and Attic helmets, the Praetorian cavalry cut a dashing figures on the tabletop. It wasn’t all looks though – they were capable of causing havoc with the enemy battleline and as such not many commanders will leave their fort without at least one unit of these noble horsemen. Whether you are…

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New: BEF Vehicles!

As part of our acquisition of BEF Miniatures we have a limited quantity of the original stock. Whilst we are preparing each vehicle for re-release you can get your eager little hands on some of them now! These are very much available on a first come, first served basis so have a look at what…