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New: HMS Abercrombie Monitor-class + HMS Eskimo destroyer 1941

HMS Abercrombie Monitor-class View in Store Abercrombie was an upgraded version of elder sister ship Roberts. The original main gun turret was spare from Furious, fitted with two 15 inch guns type Mark I*/N. Other improvements included larger living space, more artillery reserve and increased engine room deck thickness. Abercrombie was also equipped with four…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Black Powder, Blood Red Skies, Bolt Action, Cruel Seas, Hail Caesar, Konflikt '47, Latest News, Latest Products, Pike & Shotte, Strontium Dog, Warlords of Erehwon

2018: A year in Review

With 2018 coming to a close we sought to round up some of our favourite releases of the year! January We started off 2018 with a bang with the Bolt Action campaign book: Market Garden. For Bolt Action players Market Garden has it all – daring attacks, determined resistance and heroic last stands by American,…

Cruel Seas, Latest Products, Products

New: British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WW II – Vol I + Vol II + Vol III (Hardback)

British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WW II – Vol I (Hardback) View in Store Author: Malcolm George Wright Seaforth Publishing Number of Pages: 160 During the Second World War navies developed low visibility camouflage for their ships, on both the vertical and horizontal surfaces, in order reduce visibility by blending in with the sea,…

Cruel Seas, Latest Products, Products

New: Hitler’s Forgotten Flotillas (Hardback)

View in Store Author: Lawrence Paterson Seaforth Publishing Number of Pages: 352 This study of the Kriegsmarine’s Sicherungsstreitkräfte, their security forces, fills a glaring gap in the study of the German navy in World War Two. This wide array of vessels included patrol boats, minesweepers, submarine hunters, barrage breakers, landing craft, minelayers and even the…