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Bolt Action, Latest Products

New: 8th Army – 30 plastic figures

With the new Warlord Games plastic 8th Army, the Bolt Action British and Commonwealth forces are ready to drive all opposition from North Africa. View in Store Formed from the Western Desert Force in 1941, the British 8th Army comprised men from across the British Commonwealth – British, New Zealanders, Australians, Indians and South Africans. Following…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Heuschrecke (Locust) medium panzermech

Germany has released it’s first bipedal panzermech with devastating results. Wield the new resin and metal  Heuschrecke (Locust) medium panzermech and destroy your enemy! Heuschrecke (Locust) View in Store With further developments of the Rift-tech walker technology, Germany has been able to enhance its panzermech programme with the addition of a bipedal jump-capable walker, able…