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Bolt Action, Latest Products

New: LVT(A)-4 75mm AMTANK

The US Marines have up-gunned their landing craft tracked (LVT) with the LVT(A)-4 75 mm Howitzer. Time to let em ave it! View in Store As the re-taking of the islands continued in the Pacific it was quickly realised that the 37mm of the LVT(A)-1 didn’t quite have the firepower needed to dig out an…

Bolt Action, Latest Products

New: USMC Sets

Semper Fidelis! With the release of the LVT(A)-1 & LVT(A)-4, what better time to begin your Pacific in Flames campaign, than with these excellent USMC sets… The Battle For the Islands The first of our USMC Sets is a complete starting package with 33 US Marines up against 30 Japanese troops with a Ho-Ro self-propelled gun in…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - US, Latest Products

New: Sherman Crocodile

Laydown Fire and Brimstone upon your enemies with the new Resin & Plastic Sherman Crocodile for Bolt Action late war American forces. View in Store Inspired by the powerful British Churchill Crocodile and their own experiences in the Pacific with other versions of flamethrower tanks the US army ordered some 100 Sherman Crocodile variants from…

Bolt Action, Latest Products

Coastal Defence bunker – Plastic terrain

Following their early success in conquering much of Europe in the Blitzkrieg years, the German Wehrmacht set about developing almost impregnable defences such as the famous Atlantic Wall Coastal Defence bunker which faced the Allied invasion of France in 1944. View in Store This Coastal Defence bunker follows the R612/R680 templates for coastal defence bunkers…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - US, Latest Products

New: The Battle For Normandy Ultimate Collection

This is the ultimate Battle for Normandy collection, it is absolutely jam-packed and entirely dedicated to re-enacting the Normandy landings on your Bolt Action battlefield! 182 Infantry 14 weapon teams 3 vehicles plus defences to storm on your D-Day battlefield… View in Store The Allies have launched their combined assault onto the dug-in Axis forces….

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - US, Latest Products

New: US Infantry WWII American Gis

One of our most popular plastic troop sets for Bolt action, the WWII American Gis, has received a long-awaited facelift. New dynamic poses, better-defined kit, and perhaps most importantly… a Bazooka! View in Store This box gives you a platoon of tough, well-trained troops with enough firepower to successfully perform almost any task given to them. American…