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Bolt Action, Latest Products

New: Flak Bunker – Plastic terrain

With much of mainland Europe under the heel of the German jackboot, the German Wehrmacht built almost impregnable defences such as the famous Atlantic Wall Flak Bunker… View in Store This Flak Bunker is based on the R677 bunker template with dual purpose anti-tank and anti-aircraft capability. Commonly house either 7.5cm anti-tank guns and light…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Latest Products

Flak 37 8.8cm

Warlords plastic Flak 37 8.8cm levels its sights on your army! View in Store Originally developed as an anti-aircraft weapon, the Flak 37 8.8cm (or Eighty-eight as it became known by Allied troops) had a high muzzle velocity to allow it to reach the higher ranges modern bombers were capable of at the time. This would…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Pike & Shotte, terrain

New: Lunette + 5 Pointed Star Fort – Pre-painted Scenery

Lunette Fortification   Represent the Bagration Flèches, at the Battle of Borodino with this detailed resin masterpiece from Pauls Modelling Workshop A Lunette, or Redan, was a half-moon construction normally with the point toward the expected enemy advance. Smaller versions known as Flèches were seen in many places during the Napoleonic era onwards, most notably…