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Hail Caesar, Latest Products

Greek Generals Demosthenes & Theagenes

As Greece’s enemies’ grow and bolden, her armies sought for courage, skill and leadership. The call has been answered by the prolific Demosthenes and Theagenes as sculpted by designer Steve Saleh. View in Store Demosthenes, son of Alcisthenes, was an Athenian general during the Peloponnesian War. He led the attempted Athenian invasion of Aetolia, before seeing-off…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Polish, Latest Products

New: Polish Army + Polish 10th Motorized Brigade Forces

The Polish have bolstered their defences against the approaching Blitzkrieg with new units! Polish 10th Motorized Brigade motorcycle combination View in Store The Polish 10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade was called the Black Brigade because of the black leather jackets worn by officers and NCOs. It was the only fully motorised infantry unit available to the…

Ancient British, Hail Caesar, Latest Products, The Dark Age Sagas

New: Arthurian Unarmoured Saxon Infantry

Charging toward your enemies flank is the new Arthurian Unarmoured Saxon Infantry. Arthurian Unarmoured Saxon Infantry A View in Store With a mixture of short swords, spears and shields, these unarmoured infantry fair the best when assaulting a flank. This blister pack contains 8 Arthurian Unarmoured Saxon Infantry. View in Store Arthurian Unarmoured Saxon Infantry B View…

Ancient British, Hail Caesar, Latest Products, The Dark Age Sagas

New: Arthurian Royal Anglian Huscarl Swordsmen + Spearmen

Standing proudly at the forefront of your army are the new Arthurian Royal Anglian Huscarls ready to charge towards your lords enemies! Arthurian Royal Anglian Huscarl Swordsmen View in Store Stand in battle alongside your heroic characters and battle to the death. The Huscarl is the bodyguard for your Warlord in battle Highly trained and…

Aegean States, Hail Caesar, Latest Products

New: Theban Sacred Band

Introducing the magnificent Theban Sacred Band Regarded as invincible throughout all of Ancient Greece, the Theban Sacred Band (or The Sacred Band of Thebes) were specially selected and trained elite soldiers of the Theban army in the 4th century BC. These wonderfully sculptured men form the basis of your Sacred Band of Thebes – with…

Bolt Action, Latest Products

New: British Commandos HQ

The latest Commando release introduces the new British Commandos HQ for Bolt Action. View in Store Striking from the sea, most often from the dark, the army and naval Commandos caused great apprehension to German sentries and garrisons all over occupied Europe in their daring hit and run raids. The brainchild of Winston Churchill himself…