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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - French, Latest Products

Char B1 bis

Facing the German blitzkrieg head-on. The new Char B1 Bis stands ready to defend France. View in Store Upgrading the Char B1, the Char B1 bis had thicker armour and an APX4 turret with a longer-barrelled (L/32) 47 mm SA 35 gun, giving it more anti-tank capacity alongside the 75mm hull-mounted howitzer. French experiences during…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: GB Hornet Medium Walker

The British debut their latest Rift-tech walker – taking a leaf from arguably the best fighter of the war, the new Hornet medium walker brings devastating firepower to support the infantry! The Hornet medium walker View in Store As the effectiveness and versatility of the US medium walkers was proven repeatedly in combat, the British Army…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: British Automated Carrier

With clear-cut programmed efficiency, the new British Automated Carrier set’s itself apart from its competitors on the battlefield. Automated Carrier View in Store As British research and development continue in the embryonic fields of automation and automotive intelligence, the combination of automated control units and armoured vehicles is a logical progression. With no requirement for…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: US Tesla turret emplacement

To keep control of their recently gained territories, the US has developed the Tesla turret emplacement to secure themselves from any counter-attack. The Tesla Turret View in Store The directed energy weapons conceived and developed by Nikola Tesla have had an immediate impact on the battlefield. Even heavily-armoured vehicles are vulnerable to electricity and with…