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Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - Invasion of Britain, Latest Products

New: 1930s-40s Town Folk + Rural Folk

Populate your battlefields with the new 1930s-40s town folk + rural folk from our friends at Footsore Miniatures, perfect for Operation Sea Lion. 1930s-40s Towns Folk View in Store Perfect for any town or village and can make great objective markers, from the stoic gentlemen, to the her ladyship and down to the paperboy, the pack…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Invasion of Britain, Latest Products, News & Announcements

Operation Sea Lion – Phase Two: Gigant

The Germans refuse to let their last foothold in Britain fall and they now prepare to conduct phase two Operation: Gigant Order today! Operation Sea Lion has proceeded, both sides have lost a lot and as a result the remainder of the German forces have been pushed to Kent where they prepare their defences against the inevitable…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Invasion of Britain, Latest Products

New: Sir Oswald Mosely + BUF Leader, Squad and Support Squads!

Sir Oswald Mosely and his blackshirts (the BUF) are patrolling the streets of Britain to help the German forces and seek a union between Britain and Germany. Sir Oswald Mosely, 6th Baronet View in Store An Anglo-Irish aristocrat, Mosley fought on the Western Front and was later elected to Parliament as the Conservative MP for…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: Napoleonic French Mule Train ‘The Carrot’

Sometimes the hardest contributors to war aren’t even human, the new Napleonic French Mule Train ‘The Carrot’ is carrying essentials to help Napoleon rule France with an iron fist. View in Store Following the French wherever it marches, mule trains are invaluable as they relieve the stress of the troops carrying heavy essential equipment. Ensure…