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Pre-Order: Panzer VIII Maus

The Maus has Returned! View in Store The mighty Maus has returned! Make sure you grab yours now! Limited availability! The heaviest fully enclosed armoured fighting vehicle ever built. The aptly named ‘Mouse’ rumbles out of the factory workshops and onto your Bolt Action battlefields… View in Store Demand for the Maus has been overwhelming…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: British Automated Infantry with MMG

With their rhythmic march, the new British Automated Infantry bring a whole new meaning to mechanised warfare. View in Store The Automated Infantry are capable of carrying considerable firepower, these 10 ft tall automatons can be used to spearhead assaults and defend rear-guards, protecting the British solider from these dangerous and casualty-heavy tasks. The Rift-tech…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: US Firefly Jump Infantry + Kodiak Walker + US Heavy Bazooka Team!

A whole new front of the war has been opened with the new and highly agile US Firefly Jump Infantry, the gargantuan Kodiak Walker and the ‘packing-a-punch’ Heavy Bazooka team! Firefly Jump Infantry! View in Store Using revolutionary jump-packs, Firefly infantry are drawn from the Paratroopers and specialise in rapid advances to take ground, waiting for…