News & Announcements

News & Announcements, Pike & Shotte, Stockists

Oliver Cromwell’s House is proud to stock Warlords Games

We are very pleased to announce that the visitor attraction, Oliver Cromwell’s House in Ely, Cambridgeshire is now stocking Warlord’s Pike and Shotte Tabletop Wargames range in its Gift Shop. Visitors to the Lord Protector’s House, the only Cromwell residence still in existence other than Hampton Court, welcome the Warlord’s range which complements our more…

Battle Reports, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Gaming & Collecting, News & Announcements

Battle For Xilos Campaign: Episode 5, The Slave Pits

Come and join us for Episode Five of the Battle For Xilos Campaign where the forces of Warlord Games’ Beyond The Gates Of Antares clash in this epic struggle. The Slave Pits are open… View Episode Five “Fartok is pursuing his arch-enemy Karg and has tracked him down to the unexplored world of Xilos. Fartok’s Outcast…

Events, News & Announcements

Event: Historicon 2016 (July 14 – 17)

We are just a day away from arguably the largest historical wargames show in the USA, as the Fredericksburg Expo & Convention centre once again opens its doors to over 3,000 gamers, modellers and collectors  – Historicon 2016 and the superb limited edition figure are a go!. View in Store Into the Valley of Death. As…

American War of Independence 1776-1783, Black Powder, News & Announcements

4th of July: Independence Day Deals!

October the 14th in the year 1781, Cornwallis is trapped at Yorktown, Washington orders a night time assault which succeeds in capturing 2 redoubts. After a failed counter attack 2 days later, Cornwallis attempts to evacuate his army across the river to Gloucester. The attempt fails and with reluctance Cornwallis surrenders the following day. The 17th of October…

Community, Focus, News & Announcements

Calling All Retail Stores!

Do you own a retail bricks and mortar store? Do you know what Warlord Games can provide for you? Warlord games is dedicated to supporting local bricks and mortar stores and to help we have put together some great packages for you to trial our ranges and support you with running events, whether for the…