Painting & Modelling

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Hobby: ‘Soap Opera Painting’ the 32nd Foot with Arcane Scenery

Steve from ‘Arcane Scenery and Models‘ has long been a friend of Warlord, and has recently been blogging his Napoleonic wargaming hobby adventures… This week he was kind enough to share some of the secrets behind his speed painting (or should that be ‘Soap Opera Painting’) of the 32nd Foot! Batch Painting – The Concept…

Bolt Action, Gaming & Collecting, Official Updates & FAQs, Painting & Modelling

Focus: Captured Vehicles in Bolt Action

Throughout the Second World War, there was a huge amount of equipment-sharing… whether it be soldiers of the Red Army stalking from room-to-room amongst the ice-choked streets of Stalingrad, having picked-up an MP40 and Panzerfaust from a fallen German soldier… or the crafty British Commandos having pinched a Panther and made it their own –…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Painting Afrika Korps Vehicles by Andy Singleton

Chief Paint Miner at Volley Fire Painting Services, Andy Singleton is becoming something of a regular here on the Warlord Games website – with a huge range of articles sharing tips, tricks, and step-by-step guides on how to have your models tabletop-ready in next to no time! Lately, he’s been pouring over our most recent Bolt…

Painting & Modelling, Showcase

Diorama Competition 2016: Winners!

We’d like to take this opportunity to say a huge ‘Thank you’ to all entrants for their work – we’ve been absolutely bowled over by the quality and quantity of entries, and also by the spread of timescales and content covered! We think you’ll agree these are both works of art and well deserved winners!…

Community, English Civil Wars, Painting & Modelling, Pike & Shotte, Showcase

Showcase: Lord Thomas Hawksby’s Pike & Shotte Musketeers

Lord Thomas Hawksby’s regiment is a fictional English Civil War Parliamentarian Infantry Regiment of Pike, Shotte and an attached Company of Firelocks created by the very skilled ‘Mikeland’. Mikeland’s OldEnglandGrownNew blog tells of the daring tales, adventures and characters of his regiment in 28mm miniatures, words, photos and pictures. Here’s just a taste: Where are your old…