
Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Battleground Europe, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Italian, Bolt Action - Polish, Bolt Action - US, Showcase

Showcase: The Airborne Forces of Bolt Action

With the release of the optional rules set for Airlanding reinforcements for Bolt Action, now is the time… muster the troops, tighten your straps, check your ‘chute, say a quick prayer, and prepare to jump. All of your jump training comes down to this one moment… Throughout the years, we’ve released a swathe of products…

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Painting & Modelling, Showcase

Showcase: KGL light infantry by Francesco Thau

Following on from his lovely Napoleonic British Infantry here and here, Francesco Thau is back with more great photos of more great models – this time the King’s German Legion light infantry from our La Haye Sainte – Farmhouse Assault collector’s edition set: Francesco already has more Warlord models on his painting table and we…