
Bolt Action, Bolt Action - French, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Polish, Bolt Action - Soviet, Showcase

Gallery: Tom Weiss’ Partisans

More inspirational brushwork from Tom Weiss. This time it’s the turn of the Partisans to step out of the shadows! These miniatures are perfect for representing the forces of the French Maquis, Russian Partisan Brigades, members of the Polish Resistance, German Volksturm and other freedom fighters. If your scenario requires townsfolk taking up arms, then…

Bolt Action, Latest News, Showcase

Gallery: Tom Weiss’ Fallschirmjager!

Another week – another batch of superbly painted Bolt Action miniatiures from top painter, Tom Weiss! This week it’s the turn of the elite German airborne – the Fallschirmjäger! The Fallschirmjager (German Airborne troops) performed the first airborne invasion when they assaulted Denmark on the 9 April 1940. They followed this success up with further…

Bolt Action, Latest News, Showcase

Gallery: Tom Weiss

When you see that a pro painter has put paint top your models you are often delighted. When you hear that painter is none other than Tom Weiss you really sit up and take notice! The supremely talented Mr Weiss has worked his magic on our Bolt Action WWII range. Bring on the bad guys!…

Latest News, Pike & Shotte, Showcase

Gallery: King Charles I

Resplendent in ornate cuirassier armour and sat astride his trusty warhorse, Charles Stewart cuts a fine figure as he commands his forces in the field. We recently received this lovely paint job from Dale Yates and couldn’t wait to show it off! Divisive but powerful, Charles I was the King of England, Ireland, and Scotland….