Strontium Dog

<strong>Late 22nd century</strong>. After the Atomic Wars of 2150, many survivors were warped by the Strontium 90 fallout. These ‘mutants’ became a victimised underclass, and the only job open to them was bounty hunting. One such Strontium Dog is <strong>Johnny Alpha</strong> whose mutant eyes allow him to see through solid objects and read brainwave patterns. <h3>The Strontium Dog Miniatures Game</h3> Strontium Dog is a skirmish tabletop battle game for two or more players set in the Strontium Dog universe defined by legendary comic creators John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra. In it Mutant Search/Destroy agents – the Strontium Dogs – are bounty hunters in a dangerous universe full of outlaws, pirates and corruption. Their official sanction from the Galactic Crime Commission lets them operate across many worlds and jurisdictions – even time itself – yet they are hated and feared not just by the criminals they hunt but by normal people as well. Players take control of a small team of bounty hunters or the outlaws, criminals and renegades they hunt in gun battles, chases and showdowns across the galaxy.

Background, Strontium Dog

Character Focus: Kansyr

Get ready to have your mind messed with! Things get personal with Kansyr… Kansyr first appeared in the Strontium Dog strip when Johnny Alpha and Wulf Sternhammer went searching for him on Metastis; a refuge for the worst scum of the Galaxy. Johnny and Wulf arrived at a dive bar in an effort to gain…

Products, Strontium Dog

New: Strontium Dog – Wasters

The scourge of honest folk, businesses, travellers and their fellow sentient beings wherever they crop up, the new Strontium Dog Wasters cause havoc! View in Store Often described as the worst of the worst, these wasters populate the Strontium Dog universe. They cause mayhem for either a quick buck or looking to do some serious…

Background, Strontium Dog

Character Focus: Kid Knee

An alcoholic mutant bounty hunter with his face on his knee? It’s time to look into the tragic life of Kid Knee… Kid Knee appeared in the Strontium Dog Strip, The Kid Knee Caper. We found him on Mab Garden City, a floating metropolis and popular way station. Kid Knee was being attacked (or mutie-bashed)…

Background, Strontium Dog

Character Focus: Durham Red

The vampiric heroine herself is ready for the next character focus. This is Durham Red… Durham Red was born in Milton Keynes after the Atomic War of 2150. Her mutation was considered strange even by the standards of other mutants: she resembled a vampire in appearance and nature. While she had no supernatural powers, she…

Products, Strontium Dog

New: Strontium Dog – Mork Riders

Sometimes getting around new and dangerous terrain can be difficult – use the new Strontium Dog Mork Riders to traverse the badlands! View in Store Bounty Hunters often need to track their quarry into the wildlands beyond towns and cities, and on many worlds, the indigenous Morks are the mount of choice. These bipedal mammals…