

Webstore: Concord Combined Command Starter Army

The military of the Panhuman Concord is organised and directed by a branch of the IMTel called the Concord Combined Command – otherwise known as CoCom or more commonly as C3. The Concord responds to threats against it with logical ruthlessness, organising and dispatching heavily armed forces throughout Antarean space. The Concord armed forces are…


Webstore: Chronomancer & Apprentice

Potentially the most powerful of all wizards, Chronomancers use magic to manipulate time itself. As the youngest branch of magic, it is less developed, and less understood than any of the others, and is thus potentially more dangerous. Chronomancers tend to be gamblers and risk-takers, those who prefer a quick path to power. Chronomancers have…


Webstore: A9 Cruiser tank Mk I

The A9 Cruiser, MK I was an effective tank in the North African campaigns, it’s 2 pdr gun was lethal against the early Italian tanks it encountered during the North African campaign and could also hold its own against Rommel’s early Panzer IIs and IIIs


Webstore: Ghar Empire Starter Army

The Ghar – Created in ages past as soldiers in an ancient war, the details of which are long forgotten even by the Ghar themselves. Their distant ancestors were undoubtedly human but they have mutated into twisted, spiteful and pitiless creatures driven by an unquenchable hatred of all humankind. Ghar were created to fight in…


Webstore: Elementalist & Apprentice

Elementalists are the most outwardly powerful type of wizard. Their magic is centred around controlling the four elements, usually in loud, explosive, and unsubtle ways. Their clothes tend to feature one bold colour, and they are more prone to flashy decorations than other wizards – facial tattoos are not uncommon. Most Elementalists, especially those that…